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BUCKEYE, Iowa -- "Come on! Appear on! Go girls!" Annette Sweeney was on horseback, hollering at her chocolate-colored beasts on a absolute Iowa morning, blessed that her activity is bigger aback Donald Trump became president.

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Sweeney, 60, raises Angus beasts and blah on the flat, blooming farmland of axial Iowa. Aloof 1 in 7 Americans alive in places like this: Rural counties accept 72 percent of the nation's acreage but a shrinking citizenry as burghal areas accept ballooned in admeasurement and wealth.

In contempo years, Sweeney has acquainted a growing "disconnect" amid how bodies anticipate in cities and in places like Buckeye, a boondocks of 108. In her view, farmers were too generally "shoved aside" during the admiral of Barack Obama, while environmentalists and conservationists, abounding of whom alive boilerplate abreast a farm, took over the civic conversation.

Obama set abreast millions of acreage of abortive acreage as civic monuments -- added than any added admiral -- preventing huge areas from actuality mined, logged or farmed. Obama additionally implemented added regulations with a cogent bread-and-butter appulse than any admiral in three decades, according to the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center. Those accomplishments were animated by abounding Americans but broadly beheld in rural areas as killing jobs.

Incredibly, Sweeney said, Obama's Agriculture Department alike started blame "Meatless Mondays," an insult to Iowa's pork, beef and craven producers. "I will eat added meat on Monday to atone for brainless USDA advocacy abt a meatless Monday," Iowa Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R, tweeted in response. Meatless Mondays acquainted like a "slap in the face" to Sweeney, who has this bonanza sticker on her Buick: "EAT BEEF: The West Wasn't Won on Salad."

But annihilation affronted Sweeney added than a adjustment Obama issued in 2015 alleged "Waters of the United States" or WOTUS. The Environmental Protection Agency said it was aimed at befitting pollutants -- including fertilizer, admixture and added acreage runoff -- out of streams and creeks that augment the nation's waterways. Acreage runoff is a arch account of baptize pollution, communicable bubbler water, breeding baneful algal blooms and killing fish.

To Sweeney, WOTUS acquainted like the government's easily on her throat.

Was some ambassador now activity to appearance up and badge her puddles and atomic ditches of water? She said that is what happened several years ago: A federal attention official told Sweeney she had a half-acre of wetland in the average of a 160-acre field. Wetlands are adequate habitats for brief birds and added wildlife and are important for advantageous clay and water.

"Suddenly, this allotment of acreage that we had been agriculture for 70 years was federally protected, and we had to stop everything," said Sweeney, who was built-in on the acreage and aloft two boys there.

In the end, Sweeney had to pay $5,000 to bottle a baby bindle of wetland abroad so she could abide agriculture her own property. The acquaintance contributed to a activity that "we were smothered" by the federal government, Sweeney said.

That activity aerial aback Trump was adopted on a affiance to about-face abundant of what Obama had done. Sweeney, a above Republican accompaniment administrator who is alive in Iowa blah and beasts associations, was so blessed that she went online and ordered adorned dresses and flew to Washington to appear her aboriginal inauguration. There, she listened to Trump vow that "the abandoned men and women of our country will be abandoned no longer."

"Now, we accept addition we can call," she said, benumbed her horse, Cowboy, through the shallows of the Iowa River's South Fork, which flows through her fields. "Finally, some affection is advancing aback to Washington."

Annette Sweeney at home in Alden, Iowa. She afresh became the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Iowa administrator for rural development. - Washington Post/Aug. 29, 2017

Most of Iowa is farmland. The bellwether accompaniment voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, but aftermost year, Trump won 93 of its 99 counties. He absent Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, the bigger cities, but he did not charge them. Trump's acceptable blueprint was to boss the vote in rural areas, which accept beneath bodies but outsize ascendancy in the balloter academy and the Senate.

Rural areas abide to be Trump's arch abject of support. Nationally, 52 percent of bodies in rural areas abutment Trump, compared with 25 percent in burghal areas, according to a contempo Washington Post/ABC poll. Republicans are acquisitive to body on that abutment as they arch into the 2018 aldermanic elections.

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In June, Trump fabricated his aboriginal appointment to Iowa as president, and Sweeney collection 130 afar to apprehend him allege in a association academy gymnasium. Farmers and agronomical leaders abutting Trump onstage as he thanked them for allowance to cast the accompaniment from Democratic to Republican.

"A lot of places bodies were not cerebration about angry red! Those maps, those balloter maps! They were all red -- admirable red," Trump said. "I'm not a farmer, but I'd be actual blessed to be one," he added. "It's a actual admirable apple to me and it's a absolutely blue-blooded American profession."

As Trump spoke, a huge "PROMISES KEPT" banderole afraid from the balustrade -- a advertence to the big award-winning he had already delivered to Iowa and abounding rural states: rolling aback WOTUS. Issued as the 2016 presidential attack confused into aerial gear, the adjustment angry out to be an adventitious allowance to Trump.

The aphorism approved to analyze that the 1972 Apple-pie Baptize Act activated not abandoned to above bodies of water, but additionally to their headwaters. That meant farmers could be fined for communicable baby creeks and streams that had a "significant nexus" with beyond waterways.

To environmentalists and abounding others, the aphorism fabricated sense. Contaminants alike off farms, breeze into streams and rivers, and burst into beyond bodies of water. In the Gulf of Mexico, a "dead zone" the admeasurement of New Jersey has been traced by abundant accurate studies to the bags of fertilizers and pesticides sprayed on farms in the Midwest. The streams that cantankerous Sweeney's farm, for example, breeze into the Iowa River, which feeds the Mississippi, which ultimately empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

But the densely worded clean-water rule, which abounding 75 pages in the Federal Register, created added abashing than clarity.

As presidential candidates crisscrossed Iowa, the Acreage Bureau said WOTUS could administer to dry brook beds and ditches. The farmers group, the country's bigger agronomical organization, with hundreds of bags of members, launched a able "Ditch the Rule" attack in videos on Facebook and YouTube.

Neither Sweeney nor any of a dozen Iowa farmers interviewed for this adventure anytime apprehend the regulation. They got all their advice from the Acreage Bureau. Sweeney said she additionally batten to an agronomical advocate she trusts.

What she learned, Sweeney said, was that WOTUS was a "one-size fits all" aphorism that larboard no allowance for farmers to exercise their own acumen about their land. "It was like cogent us how to accession our children," said her husband, Dave.

On the attack trail, Trump capitalized on and added to the growing acrimony and confusion. The aphorism absolutely states that it does not administer to "puddles," but Trump insisted it did. He alleged WOTUS "one of the affliction rules anytime ... a disaster!" If elected, he said, he would annihilate it "on Day One."

"It won him Iowa," Sweeney said, in her jeans and boots, nudging her aftermost cow into a corral.

In February, with cameras rolling, Trump captivated an Oval Appointment commemoration to advertise that he was clearly suspending the "horrible rule" that covered "nearly every dabble or every canal on a farmer's land."

Sweeney was thrilled, but a backfire was architecture in cities and alike amid some of her neighbors forth the South Fork.

Iowa agriculturalist John Gilbert works to alter a canal area the South Fork of the Iowa River traverses his acreage in Hardin County. Gilbert and his wife convenance acceptable farming, for which they accept won awards. - Washington Post/Aug. 29, 2017

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John Gilbert, 68, lives four afar afterwards from Sweeney and thinks there should be added rules to assure the environment, not fewer.

"People don't like to be told what to do. I get that. But we do not alike accept abutting to abundant regulations," said Gilbert, a affable grandfathering who additionally lives on the acreage area he grew up.

"People are adage the big, bad government is out to get us, but I appear to anticipate we charge apple-pie water," he said. "It's activity to booty addition with abundant audacity to say to farmers, 'Stop agronomics appropriate up to the bend of water.' "

A Democrat in a predominantly Republican county, Gilbert knows he is in the minority. He is a agriculturalist with 60 dairy beasts and 150 pigs in a accompaniment bedeviled by far-larger farms. He keeps his pigs in an alfresco pen, rather than central in a "mass confinement" facility. And he uses no antibiotics, affairs his pork to a aggregation that food "natural and humanely raised" meat to baddest food and restaurants.

In backward summer, Gilbert abutting a acquisition in the abode at Pine Lake, 20 afar east of Buckeye, to allocution about threats to apple-pie baptize in the Trump era. Attendees ticked off their concerns: a abridgement of safeguards on the millions of bags of pig admixture generated annually by Iowa hog farms; ascent toxicity empiric in catfish bent in bounded rivers; the putrid, pea soup-colored carpeting of algae that had bloomed on bounded lakes.

"Who enforces the rules?" asked one woman who rose to speak.

"Nobody!" several bodies shouted back.

State admiral had aloof issued addition admonishing about pond at Pine Lake afterwards award E. coli and added contaminants in the water. It was a botheration at abounding Iowa lakes. Robert Hogg, a Democratic accompaniment agent from Cedar Rapids, apprenticed bodies to anticipate of solutions that farmers would acquisition workable.

"We can't accept this burghal against rural divide," Hogg said.

Gilbert listened quietly. Afterward, he said regulations generally account the accepted good. He mentioned smoker bans on planes and binding bench belts in cars.

Gilbert said Trump has been "irresponsible at best and behind at worst" in his war on regulations. By its own count, the Trump administering has dead 67 rules and "canceled or delayed" 1,500 more. "The amaranthine advance of red band in America has appear to a sudden, arrest and admirable halt," Trump said this month.

But Gilbert said the abridgement of federal blank is arch to a "Wild West" atmosphere area "it's OK to adulterate in the name of jobs."

Iowa has added acreage of blah and soybeans than any added state. It has 3 actor bodies and 20 actor pigs. The state's pork industry abandoned accounts for 40,000 jobs and $7.5 billion a year in revenue. Bodies actuality antic that the fetor of automated pig pens is the "smell of money."

"We accept too abounding bodies adage aggregate is altogether accomplished because it's added important how abundant money we can accomplish aggravating to augment the world," said Gilbert, who, forth with his wife, Beverly, has won awards for acceptable farming.

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Gilbert acclaimed that the aforementioned neighbors who accuse about Washington "overreach" account from federal crop subsidies and mandates to use corn-based booze in gasoline.

Back at home, Gilbert keeps a assemblage of Des Moines Register accessories on his kitchen table that alarm aerial levels of nitrates in the accompaniment capital's bubbler water. The Des Moines Baptize Works account afresh sued three rural counties, claiming that acreage runoff had produced the nitrates, which accept been affiliated to cancer. The clothing was dismissed, but the urban-rural baptize altercation rages on.

"Big AG brings in so abundant money for the accompaniment that it gets a chargeless pass," Gilbert said. "We authority the acreage in assurance and accept an obligation to the accessible for baptize quality. That is absolutely actuality lost. It's scary."

Annette Sweeney circuit up beasts on her acreage in Iowa. - Washington Post

Sweeney thinks all the allocution about attenuated baptize is overblown. Decades ago, aback she was growing up, the snow banks sometimes angry gray because of pollution. It's far bigger now, she said.

She additionally finds it maddening to be told that she does not affliction abundant about apple-pie water.

"Holy smokes, yes, we do!" Sweeney said, bushing a dustbin of augment for her bull.

She and Gilbert are both alive in the Southfork Watershed Alliance, which aims to assure bounded baptize quality. The neighbors are disconnected about their approach: Sweeney believes attention efforts should be voluntary, while Gilbert says that is not abundant to stop pollution.

While confined in the accompaniment assembly from 2009 to 2013, Sweeney sponsored a bill that fabricated it actionable to use "false pretenses" to admission any acreage or added agronomical facility. The admeasurement was a acknowledgment to photos and videos taken by clandestine beastly abundance activists who had been assassin at farms.

Sweeney said the bill was advised to anticipate a actuality from giving a apocryphal name on a job appliance and again continuing by and recording corruption instead of advertisement it immediately. But abounding others, including beastly rights groups, alleged it an "ag-gag" aimed at silencing whistleblowers aggravating to betrayal animality to animals.

Sweeney dismisses those complaints. During the Obama era, she said, activists with little compassionate of agriculture took centermost stage. With Trump in the White House, she sees farmers accepting added attention: "It's the aberration amid activity like you are actuality talked to and actuality listened to."

But Sweeney still has one big worry: Trump's threats to abjure from the North American Chargeless Trade Agreement. Iowa farmers await heavily on exports. As Trump neared the end of his aboriginal year in office, Sweeney gave him a "seven out of ten."

After actuality interviewed for this story, Sweeney got a buzz alarm allurement her to accompany the Trump administering as allotment of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. She is now Iowa administrator for rural development, answerable with convalescent the affection of activity in rural genitalia of the state.

Sweeney's aboriginal antecedence in the job is bringing broadband admission to places that are not yet affiliated to the internet. In a contempo account on Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network, Sweeney said her own son had a adamantine time starting a business "because there was no internet, no satellite, nothing."

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"I accept in the rural areas, I accept in our rural development -- what a abundant opportunity," she said.

The Iowa agriculturist who already acquainted abandoned was now on the inside.

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